
Are all desires insane?

ARE ALL DESIRES INSANE? Yes, all desires are insane. Desire as such is insane because desire means living in the future, and the future does not exist at all. What exists is the present. Objects of desire are not significant; desiring is significant. You can desire wealth, you can desire God– desiring remains the same, […]

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Be Useful.

MY PARENTS KEEP ON SAYING THEY WANT ME TO LEAD A ’USEFUL’ LIFE AND DO SOMETHING ’USEFUL FOR SOCIETY’. AM I? The society wants you to be reduced to a commodity. To say it politely they say, ”Do something useful.’ They are saying, ”Be useful. Function as a commodity so that people can USE YOU.

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Jesus is tremendously beautiful his beauty has a dimension of its own. Buddha is beautiful, but Jesus is totally different from Buddha. In Buddha a different type of silence was incarnated. l once heard about a Chinese emperor who had two great painters in his court, and there was always rivalry. They were always fighting

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What are you missing?

Once it happened that a man was very ill. The illness was that he continually felt that his eyes were popping out and his ears were ringing – continually. By and by, he became crazy because it went on twenty-four hours a day. He couldn’t sleep, he couldn’t do his work. So he consulted doctors.

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A man with three hairs.

A man with three hairs on his otherwise bald head came into a hair saloon and asked to get his hair shampooed and braided. The hairdresser got on with his job but just as he was about to finish combing it, one of the hairs fell out. The hairdresser was very embarrassed but the man

A man with three hairs. Read More »

Leave Children Alone.

A religion is to be sought. A religion has to be chosen consciously. Nobody should be made a Christian or a Hindu or a Mohammedan or a Jain by birth. Birth has nothing to do with religion. Because of this association with birth, the whole world seems to be religious, and nobody is religious. Everybody

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Please Help Me.

MASTER, PLEASE HELP ME. I cannot do that. I am not your enemy. I am not a do-gooder. I don’t “help,” because the help, the very desire to be helped, is a desire to continue as you are. You want some props, some supports. You want consolation, comfort. No, I am the last person to

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A much deeper phenomenon.

WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY ABOUT DARKNESS? I have much to say about darkness, because nobody has taken notice of the mystery that darkness is. Much has been said about light, almost nothing about darkness. But darkness is a much deeper phenomenon than light is. Light comes and goes – darkness remains; it never

A much deeper phenomenon. Read More »