
Five Knots on Scarf.

WHAT IS THE GREATEST PROBLEM IN THE WORLD? THE greatest problem or the smallest problem, it is the same: MAN. And when I say man, I do notmean something abstract. I mean I, you, he, she. There exists no man as such, separate from human beings. Man lives a problematic life, and dies a problematic […]

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Drop it.

HOW DO YOU REDEFINE ”FREEDOM” AND ”THE MASTER”? The word ‘master’ creates confusion. It gives you the idea that you have become a slave, somebody has become your master. In the East, the word is used in the sense that you have become master of yourself, that you are no longer a slave, that you

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His music is a miracle.

Powerful people cannot tolerate somebody who has no power and yet is respected by millions of people. They understand only the language of power, they don’t understand the language of love, they don’t understand the language of creativity. They don’t understand that a song is more powerful than any nuclear weapon, that a poet is

His music is a miracle. Read More »

After twelve years.

It is only a question of when one decides to wake up. It is up to you whether you want to have a little more sleep — then turn over and pull the blanket up. But even while you are asleep inside the blanket, enjoying a beautiful morning, you are a buddha. It is up

After twelve years. Read More »

Hidden inside.

Remember, a man of understanding never thinks, he simply looks at the fact. The very look reveals. A man of non-understanding thinks. It is just like a blind man who wants to go out of this house: before he leaves the house, he will have to think, “Where is the door, where is the staircase,

Hidden inside. Read More »

Listen. But don’t follow.

Listen, but don’t follow. Listen well, but follow your own insight, don’t follow others’ advice. Listen certainly, very meditatively, try to understand what they are wanting to convey to you. They may really be well-wishers, but if you start following blindly you will never attain to your own intelligence. You will remain dependent on crutches, you will

Listen. But don’t follow. Read More »

Camel on the Roof.

Religion is a radical change of vision. It is not just a change of outlook. It is not just a change of ideology– it is a change of the very being itself. Hence it is radical – radical means of the roots. Religion is not a kind of renovation it is discontinuity from the past,

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