
Live Totally, Die Totally.

HOW CAN WE PREPARE OURSELVES FOR DEATH? DON’T accumulate anything whatever: power, money, prestige, virtue, knowledge, even the so-called spiritual experiences. Don’t accumulate. If you don’t accumulate you are ready to die any moment, because you have nothing to lose. The fear of death is not really fear of death; the fear of death comes […]

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RETIRE when your work is done.

TO BE PROUD WITH WEALTH AND HONORIS TO SOW THE SEEDS OF ONE’S OWN DOWNFALL.RETIRE WHEN YOUR WORK IS DONE.SUCH IS HEAVEN’S WAY.RETIRE WHEN YOUR WORK IS DONE. WHEN YOU SEE that a work has given you balance, that you have attained happiness, don’t ask formore; when you feel good don’t ask for more; when

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Five Knots on Scarf.

WHAT IS THE GREATEST PROBLEM IN THE WORLD? THE greatest problem or the smallest problem, it is the same: MAN. And when I say man, I do notmean something abstract. I mean I, you, he, she. There exists no man as such, separate from human beings. Man lives a problematic life, and dies a problematic

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His music is a miracle.

Powerful people cannot tolerate somebody who has no power and yet is respected by millions of people. They understand only the language of power, they don’t understand the language of love, they don’t understand the language of creativity. They don’t understand that a song is more powerful than any nuclear weapon, that a poet is

His music is a miracle. Read More »

The moment of ecstasy.

Recently, I saw “The Railway Men: The Untold Story of Bhopal 1984” on Netflix and now seeing “Einstein and The Bomb.” The night of 2nd December 1984 saw one of the world’s worst industrial disasters at the Union Carbide pesticide plant in Bhopal, India. Methyl Isocyanate, a highly poisonous gas, leaked from the plant killing

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A Secret Key.

HOW CAN WE BE CLOSE TO YOU WHEN YOU ARE FAR AND ABOVE US IN EVERY RESPECT. In neither case am I far away or far above you. All that you need is to open your heart. Thinking creates distance. Feeling destroys distance. Between two lovers– they may be thousands of miles away but there

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Influence Beyond Affluence.

Swami Krishna Chaitanya Das of ISKCON introduced me to H.H. Radhanath Swami and his book “The Journey Home“. Within this extraordinary memoir, Radhanath Swami weaves a colorful tapestry of adventure, mysticism, and love. Readers follow Richard Slavin from the suburbs of Chicago to the caves of the Himalayas as he transforms from young seeker to

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What is Greed?

GREED is an effort to stuff yourself with something – it may be sex, it may be food, it may be money, it may be power. Greed is the fear of inner emptiness. One is afraid of being empty and one wants somehow to possess more and more things. One wants to go on stuffing

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Choiceless Awareness.

A man came to Junnaid, a Sufi mystic, and asked him, ”What do you say about pre-determination, kismet, fate, and the freedom of man? Is man free to do whatever he wants to do? Or is he simply a puppet in the hands of an unknown puppeteer, who simply dances the dance that the puppeteer

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