
After twelve years.

It is only a question of when one decides to wake up. It is up to you whether you want to have a little more sleep — then turn over and pull the blanket up. But even while you are asleep inside the blanket, enjoying a beautiful morning, you are a buddha. It is up […]

After twelve years. Read More »

Influence Beyond Affluence.

Swami Krishna Chaitanya Das of ISKCON introduced me to H.H. Radhanath Swami and his book “The Journey Home“. Within this extraordinary memoir, Radhanath Swami weaves a colorful tapestry of adventure, mysticism, and love. Readers follow Richard Slavin from the suburbs of Chicago to the caves of the Himalayas as he transforms from young seeker to

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Hidden inside.

Remember, a man of understanding never thinks, he simply looks at the fact. The very look reveals. A man of non-understanding thinks. It is just like a blind man who wants to go out of this house: before he leaves the house, he will have to think, “Where is the door, where is the staircase,

Hidden inside. Read More »

What is Greed?

GREED is an effort to stuff yourself with something – it may be sex, it may be food, it may be money, it may be power. Greed is the fear of inner emptiness. One is afraid of being empty and one wants somehow to possess more and more things. One wants to go on stuffing

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Rabindranath and the old man

Life must be something more. To be of any value, life must have something of eternity in it; it must be something beyond death. And you can know it, because it exists within you. Life exists within you — death is only an experience of others, outside observers. It is simply like love. Can you

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If I don’t, who will?

There was a man in Gautam Buddha’s time whose name was Angulimal. He had taken a vow to cut off one thousand heads, and to take one finger from each dead person so that he could remember how many he had killed and he will make a garland of one thousand fingers. Angulimal means the

If I don’t, who will? Read More »

Camel on the Roof.

Religion is a radical change of vision. It is not just a change of outlook. It is not just a change of ideology– it is a change of the very being itself. Hence it is radical – radical means of the roots. Religion is not a kind of renovation it is discontinuity from the past,

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