REJOICE LIFE WITH SIMPLICITY OF THE HEART…. Life can be known only with a simple heart.
Head is very complex, and life is very simple. It is difficult from a complex head to understand the simple life. Life is simply simple. You have also to be simple.
A child understands more. He has a rapport with life. A poet understands more. He has a rapport. A mystic understands more — tremendously deep and profound is his understanding because he puts his head completely away. He looks through the eyes of a child, he approaches with wonder, awe.
He is surprised at every step. He has no ideas, no fixed ideas to project. He has no prejudices: he is neither a Hindu, nor a Muslim, nor a Christian. He simply IS. He has a throbbing heart, a loving heart. That is enough requirement to know what life is.
GREAT THEN INDEED IS THIS WAY… known — known through the heart. Better to call it felt — felt through the heart.
Life is very simple. Just sometimes put your head away, sometimes behead yourself, sometimes look with no clouds in the eyes — JUST LOOK. Sometimes sit by the side of a tree — just feel. By the side of a waterfall — listen. Lie down on the beach and listen to the roar of the ocean, feel the sand, the coolness of it, or look at the stars, and let that silence penetrate you. Or look at the dark night and let that velvety darkness surround you, envelop you, dissolve you. This is the way of the simple heart.
If you approach life through this simplicity, you will become wise. You may not know the Veda, you may not know the Bible, you may not know the Gita, but you will come to know the real song of life — and that is where the real Gita is, the real song is. You may not know the Veda, but you will come to know the real Veda — that which is written by god himself.
This life is his book, this life is his Bible, this life is his Koran. Recite it! Recite this life. Sing it, dance it, be in love with it — and by and by you will know what the way is, because by and by you will become more and more happy. The happier you become, the more you are acquainted with the way, the right way. And whenever a step goes out of line, immediately you feel pain.
Pain is an indication that you have missed the law, and happiness is an indication that you have been in harmony. Happiness is a by-product. If you go in accordance with the law you are happy. Unhappiness is an accident. It simply shows you have gone far away from the law.
Make happiness and unhappiness your criterion. That’s why I go on saying that I am a hedonist. In fact, Buddha is a hedonist, Mahavir is a hedonist, Krishna is a hedonist, Mohammed is a hedonist, because they all want you to become tremendously happy. And they show you the path.
The path is: become simple, trust more, doubt a little less. If you really want to doubt, doubt doubt, that’s all. Doubt doubt; trust trust — and you will never miss.
And Buddha says not only those who follow the way are benefited, but even those who rejoice in seeing others following the way, they are tremendously blessed.
Yes, it is so. Because by rejoicing that so many people are moving towards meditation…’Good — I have not been moving yet, I have not yet gathered courage, but so many people are moving — good’… even this will make you happy because this Will open your doors.
You are not condemning them, you are not saying that meditation is impossible. You say, ‘It is possible — I am not yet courageous enough, but you are going on the way – go happily! My congratulations for you, my greetings! One day I hope also to come and follow you.’
Buddha says if you greet a sannyasin you have greeted your future. If you see somebody moving on the path and you feel happy, tremendously happy — knowing well that you are not following on the path, you are yet not ready for it, but you don’t condemn the man, in fact you rejoice, you help him to go on the path — you have started following on the path.
In life whenever you hear somebody has become a sannyasin, don’t start condemning him — rejoice. When somebody has started meditating, don’t condemn him that he has gone mad or something — rejoice. By your rejoicing you are bringing your own meditative possibilities closer to you. By rejoicing you have taken sannyas in a deeper way. Inside it has happened, outside it will come.
That is not so important either.
That’s why in this country a sannyasin has always been respected tremendously. Even sometimes one who is just wearing an orange robe and is not a sannyasin at all — even he is respected. Because who are we to decide whether he is a true sannyasin or not? Buddha says, ‘Rejoice!”
I have heard an old story:
A man who was a great robber robbed the palace of the king, and by the time he was escaping it was known, so guards followed him. He was in tremendous danger. He came to the bank of a river and the horses of the soldiers were following and he could hear the noise that was approaching close, and the river was big and there was no bridge. He was afraid, and it was a cold night — so what to do?
Seeing nothing, no possibility, he saw a sannyasin sitting under a tree. He threw off his clothes, became naked, closed his eyes, started meditating — of course, pretending, because he had never known what meditation is. But you can pretend, you can close your eyes, you can sit in a padmasana, in the lotus posture. He closed his eyes.

The guards came, the police arrived. There was nobody, just these two sannyasins. They touched their feet. The man inside started feeling very very guilty. ‘This is not good,’ he thought. ‘I am a thief, a robber, and these people are touching my feet. And I am just a pseudo-sannyasin. And if so much respect is given to a pseudo-sannyasin, what will happen if I really become a sannyasin?’ A ray of light entered into his life. He dropped his old ways; he became a sannyasin.
His fame spread. One day even the king came to touch his feet. And the king asked him, ‘How did it happen to you? How did you renounce the world? I also hope, dream, that one day that great blessing will shower on me, God will give me courage to renounce everything. How did you renounce, sir? Tell me your story. That will give me courage.’
The ex-robber started laughing. He said, ‘I will tell you. You helped me much – your soldiers following me.’
The king said, ‘What do you mean?’ Then he told the whole story. He said, ‘And when I saw that a pseudo-sannyasin like me — a robber, a murderer — can be respected, suddenly it became impossible for me to go back to my old ways. And I felt so beautiful when they touched my feet. I had never felt that before. It was such a beautiful moment. And since then, I have been meditating, and since then I have really renounced the world, and I am tremendously happy. I have arrived home.’
Buddha says even those who rejoice seeing others observe the law…. Never condemn — even if sometimes it is possible; it is always possible. When there are real coins there are bound to be counterfeit coins also. When so much respect is given to sannyasins, there are bound to be people who will be deceiving. But that is not the point. What can they deceive? What can they cheat? What have you got? But rejoice.
Growing old is not growing up. Growing up means exactly what it says — growing UP, growing upwards. Growing old is horizontal, growing up is vertical. Growing up means growing up like a tree. Growing old is like a river — it remains horizontal, it does not change its level, it doesn’t change its plane.
If somebody else is growing up, rejoice, celebrate. At least one human being has become a Buddha. Good — he has shown the path. In fact, in him all human beings have become Buddhas in essence, because whatsoever can happen to one human being can happen to every other human being.
We may not become Buddhas for lives together, but that doesn’t matter. One man has become a Buddha — he has shown the possibility. Maybe we have to wait long, but we can wait because the morning is coming closer. It has to come; it has come to one, it will come to us also. It is dark and the night is very long, but now there is hope.
Rejoicing with a Buddha is creating hope for yourself. Then your life is no more hopeless. A hopeless life is a bored life, and a hopeful life, the very possibility… maybe it will happen after many many lives; that doesn’t matter, one can wait — but one can wait with hope. IT IS LIKE A LIGHTED TORCH WHOSE FLAME CAN BE DISTRIBUTED TO EVER SO MANY OTHER TORCHES WHICH PEOPLE MAY BRING ALONG.
Osho: The Discipline of Transcendence, Vol 1 Chapter #7 Chapter title: Living the dhamma (excerpts)
नए दीवानों को देखें तो ख़ुशी होती है
हम भी ऐसे ही थे जब आए थे वीराने में……………….अहमद मुश्ताक़
na.e dīvānoñ ko dekheñ to ḳhushī hotī hai
ham bhī aise hī the jab aa.e the vīrāne meñ…………….AHMAD MUSHTAQ
It feels joyful to see these passionate souls;
We were just like them when we first entered this desolation.
As we step into the NEW YEAR, may we remember that life is not about complexity, but in the quiet moments of stillness. Let us embrace the simplicity of the heart – where joy, peace, and growth flourish. May the coming year guide you to moments of reflection by the side of a river, beneath the stars, or in the warm embrace of nature. Let the velvet darkness of night and the soft whispers of life dissolve all worries and bring you closer to the beauty within.
Here’s to a year of simplicity, clarity, and deep connection – where every moment becomes an opportunity to truly live. Happy New Year 2025 to all my dear friends and families!
Enjoy this amazingly lively title track of “DIl Dhadakne do” sung by Priyanka Chopra and Farhan Akhtar, written by Javed Akhtar and composed by Shankar Ehsaan Loy. This track encourages embracing the moment and living fully, a perfect match for welcoming the new year with an open heart and a fresh perspective. Let the music set the mood. 😊✨
(380) ‘Dil Dhadakne Do’ Title Song (Full VIDEO) | Priyanka Chopra, Farhan Akhtar – YouTube
This is food for thought …does make us pause and reflect on the beautiful moments that we overlook! Thanks for sharing these.
Simple simple and beautiful ❤️
Thank you
Very well said Sir about the life. Just to add a little to observe the flow of life AS It Is..without expectations leads to frustrations n all worries. This does not mean we should not make efforts in life. I recall famous saying of Geeta..
A very Happy n prosperous New Year 2025..🙏🧑🎄
Well said! Life is really simple and its the head and unnecessary overthinking which makes it complicated. Man’s inherent nature is happiness. Therefore when you meet someone on your way, no one asks you “Why are you looking happy?” Its only when you appear sad that people question. Those who realize this and retain the state of bliss should be an inspiration and we should aspire to be able to reach that state, even if we falter sometimes. Rejoice that others have found the way and rejoice in finding your own path to happiness.
Wishing everyone a truly blissful New Year!
Heartfelt congratulations on creating such a profound and inspiring piece of writing! Your words beautifully capture the essence of simplicity, mindfulness, and the joy of life through the heart. They resonate deeply with the timeless wisdom of spirituality and encourage readers to embrace life with wonder, trust, and happiness. Thank you for sharing such an enlightening perspective and spreading positivity through your work. May your journey as a writer continue to inspire and uplift countless souls!