People: Outside-In & Inside-Out.

“Man is a social animal” and therefore we have to deal with people practically all our lives. Be it a large organisation or a small start-up, challenges associated with leadership, HR, and management revolve around understanding people, their attitude, aptitude, ambitions, approach and activities. We all know that human beings are complex. Difficult to de-code, […]

People: Outside-In & Inside-Out. Read More »

Start-up: Ek Haath ki Taali.

Someone asked me randomly one day that who was my favourite character in Mahabharat? As a reflex I said — Eklavya. This name just surfaced as I heard the question, though the guy was expecting something more traditional like typically Arjuna or Krishna or whatever….hence he promptly asked me — Why? why Eklavya !!?? Eklavya

Start-up: Ek Haath ki Taali. Read More »